01 August, 2014

Aloe Vera: The Amazing Plant

I will be the first to admit I am a plant killer, no matter how hard I try they always end up dying, either by over or under watering, too much or too little sunlight and for some reason Basil plants hate my kitchen! So when a friend gave me a potted Aloe cutting I accepted it graciously, wondering if it knew it's days were numbered.

This little trooper had about four leaves when I got it......look how happy it is!

But this little plant is a toughy! I read up on basic care and it worked - it even had babies - or pups as they are also known - it was a litter! These little guys can be re-potted really easily and given as gifts or party favours and everyone will love them because they are so easy to look after (gift wrapping post to follow).

Re-homing the litter

Also don't forget all the great stuff it can do, check out this link for 40 uses for your Aloe Vera plant - 40 Amazing Uses For Aloe Vera

Just to name a few:

*Banish bruises
*Soothe sunburn
*Buffing bodyscrubs
*Take the itch out of rashes and insect bites
*Blister relief
*General moisturiser
*Antidote to skin allergies
*Treat spots and acne
*Prevent scarring & stretchmarks
*Reduces wrinkles and signs of aging

Does anyone have anything else to add to the list? Let me know!

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